What is your gifting or area of interest for service? Click on any topic for further information.
Volunteers are the heart of The Kids & Me: everything happens with them and nothing happens without them. Do you have a desire to stand alongside single moms to offer support as they navigate efficiently running a household and raising children? You can make a difference in the lives of single parents and their children and the very fabric of our community. Consider your own giftings and interests. Start there when choosing how you can serve with The Kids & Me to partner with our community's single moms.


By submitting your personal details, you consent to our using your details to keep in touch and let you know about The Kids & Me activities and using these details to manage your involvement. Read our Privacy Policy.
Check your email and spam folder for a note from a Kids & Me Team Coordinator. Please let us know if you don't get an email.

Volunteer Classifieds
Leader - Small Group
The Small Group Leader is a woman who coordinates a twice-a-month meeting for single moms. This person creates or procures curriculum, attends to details related to where classes are held, child care and availability of food. This person will lead discussion and instruction during the meetings.
Mentor - for a Single Mom
A Mentor is a woman comes alongside a single parent to offer friendship, advice, wisdom, experience, and information about sources of assistance. Please see QUALIFICATIONS for further information.
Mentor - for a Youth
A Mentor for a youth offers friendship, advice, counseling, leadership, and guidance to children of single parents. Our effort is intended to provide positive role models and to impact a child's life for Christ. Please see QUALIFICATIONS for further information.
The Recruiting team assists The Kids & Me in two capacities: 1) by identifying and enlisting individuals in the church or in the community who can join our ranks and contribute to our efforts; and 2) by identifying and enlisting churches who would benefit from partnering with The Kids & Me.
Social Media
The Social Media volunteer is The Kids & Me liaison to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & the website blog. This person will be keenly aware of all events and activities in The Kids & Me organization and keep followers and interested parties fully informed. One of the mainstays of The Kids & Me ministry is to create and foster relationships and acquaintances. Guest bloggers also contribute valuable insight with articles sharing their experiences or expertise.
The Kids & Me tutors are a group who have a love for teaching and helping children of our single moms who need special assistance with academic subjects. Please see QUALIFICATIONS for further information.
Advisory Group
The Advisory Group meets once per month (2nd Saturdays) to provide insight, direction, feedback, and advice for The Kids and Me goals, events and activities. A subset of this group is the Event Planners. This team brainstorms activities, sessions, seminars, and other special events and sets in place the overall timeline for opportunities that The Kids and Me will offer within the course of a year.
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinator is a detail-oriented person who leads in the production of events designed to appeal to single parents. This person communicates with and facilitates the work of the Team Coordinators as they prepare for events. Monthly Network Nights, Special Workshops, and Family Fun Events each require an Event Coordinator.
Give and Take
Our Give and Take coordinator provides a valuable service to single moms by monitoring emails and posting to The Kids & Me website both current needs and available gently used household items (suggested items: appliances, furniture, beds, washers and dryers, computers, electronics, lamps, lawn mowers and dishes). The coordinator also supplies contact information to connect parties.
Resource Guide Research
The Resource Listing team is vitally important to our overall objective which is to point to a resource to meet any single parent need. This team will research and compile current resources which may be in the church, in the community, in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina, and available from our federal government. This listing will be available on The Kids & Me website.