Perhaps this is a season of financial struggle? Maybe it is a struggle to pay monthly bills? Could it be a struggle to finance a new business venture or launch a dream? Did you know there is help out there for you specifically as a Single Mom?
Here is an excellent resource listing grants by need/purpose for Single Moms:
https://singlemothers.us/grants/ There are grants available for anything from childcare support, career advancement, bill pay, transportation assistance, housing to business ventures.
And keep in mind, The Kids & Me offers a monthly meeting about money management. We are on Chapter 3 of Dave Ramsey's book The Total Money Makeover. If you would like to get out of debt, set some financial goals, and secure your financial future for you and your children, come join us to learn the essentials. Register at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAhJkDDPazYongQelwATVUtDD4ovbgS3CU1E5CEcNyX1Sicg/viewform